Full Wave Design of a Compact Ka-Band Wideband Orthomode Transducer

In this webinar, Sicilsat® Communications, a company specializing in the design and supply of highly reliable satellite systems, will present how their wide-band orthomode transducer (OMT) operating in Ka-Band was designed and optimized using µWave Wizard™ design software, available through the Altair Partner Alliance. This component, designed for feeding a 7.5 meter mono-pulse antenna, has been realized as a doubly symmetrical design with four concentric cylinders placed in the center of the structure for improved return loss and bandwidth. In the feed optimization phase, performance goals are achieved in accelerated time, thanks to various very efficient optimizers available in µWave Wizard. Development time was also significantly reduced by taking advantage of fully parameterized components already present in the µWave Wizard component libraries, resulting in a simplified structure with excellent radio frequency (RF) performance, ideally suited for cost efficient manufacturing. The µWave Wizard designed Ka-Band wide-band OMT can be exported into other Altair products for post processing, such as the feed component in Altair® Feko® antenna design software.

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