Market Research Group Delay for an Ultra Wide Band Antenna
RemcomSeptember 19, 202325 Minutes
In this webinar, XFdtd's product team discusses group delay for UWB antennas. Remcom's application engineering team developed a method for analyzing group delay for a single-port antenna and is looking for market feedback. In a laboratory setting, the group delay between two antennas is measured directly using a VNA. Typically, two identical antennas are separated by a minimum of the far-field distance and aligned such that the transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) have both the same polarizations and look directions. The resulting group delay is a function of the TX antenna, the RX antenna, and the separation distance. In order to determine the group delay associated with a single antenna—either TX or RX—some analysis of the measured group delay must be performed.
Explore how group delay is determined directly from a single-port simulation. Key Takeaways:
- Learn about the latest developments for computing group delay for an antenna.
- Impact XFdtd’s feature development by providing input on your needs.