Gyrotron Simulation

  • Webinar Date

    September 28th, 2017

  • Webinar Time

    17:00 CEST (UTC +02:00)

Webinar Overview

A gyrotron is typically challenging to simulate in 3D, as they often are electrically large. High-performance computing using one or multiple graphics processing Units (GPU) can accelerate simulations significantly and make the 3D Particle in Cell (PIC) simulation of a gyrotron a viable proposition. A brief introduction will be given of a gyrotron working at the fundamental frequency, but the focus of the webinar will be a simulation of a gyrotron operating at 2nd harmonic frequency. The B-field can be reduced by a factor of 2, but this operation is sensitive in both the physical domain and in simulation. This webinar shows aspects to keep in mind when setting up the simulation and explains the differences between simulation and measurements.

Presenter bio: 

Dr. Monika Balk graduated in 2000 at the Gerhard-Mercator-University Duisburg, Germany, in high frequency engineering. She then got her Ph.D. at Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, in 2005 with an accelerator physics related topic. Since 2005 she has been at CST – Computer Simulation Technology as Senior Application Engineer for high frequency applications. During her work for CST she has gained experience in charged particle applications with her support activities worldwide. Since 2008 she is working at CST as Market Development Manager for Charged Particle Applications, where she also published several papers on Magnetron, TWT and general vacuum tube simulation.