Battery Life Measurement Theory and Testing Techniques
Webinar DateWednesday, May 30, 2018
Webinar Time1:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Webinar Overview
Wireless devices surround us in almost every aspect of modern life, from smart phones and smart watches to implanted medical devices such as pace makers. The proliferation of these devices translates into a need to maximize the time between charging for end-user satisfaction, and a requirement to properly operate for long periods of time for mission critical applications such as those involving implantable medical devices. To properly meet these requirements, designers must carefully analyze the battery drain characteristics to optimize and validate the battery run time of their devices. This means testing several elements of their device: the sub circuits, the battery, and the device as a whole. In this webcast, we will discuss wireless device basics, battery life measurement theory and testing challenges, and methodologies for analyzing battery drain characteristics of battery powered wireless devices.
Dr. Ervin Mile
Power Specialist Americas & Europe
Keysight Technologies
Dr. Ervin Mile is currently the Americas and Europe Power Specialist for Keysight Technologies. He has a broad knowledge of various industrial and R&D sectors ranging from Material Science, Semiconductors, Nanotechnology, Electrochemistry and Physics. He holds a Bachelors in Electronic Engineering from “Politecnico di Torino”, Masters in micro & nanotechnologies for integrated circuits from “Ecole Polytechnique Lausanne”, and a PhD in Physics of micro & nano electro-mechanical systems from “Ecole Polytechnique Paris”.