Absorptive Vent Material for High Frequency Emissions Control

  • Webinar Date

    September 11, 2019

  • Webinar Time

    1:00pm PT / 4:00pm ET

Webinar Overview

This study was commissioned by ARC Technologies LLC., which was interested in characterizing their lossy material for potential use in fabricating air vents for the chassis of electronic products that would reduce high frequency emissions below that of conventional perforated metal vents. The test setup consisted of a small reverberation chamber, with drive signals provided by and detection using a Vector Network Analyzer, which was controlled by a custom control program. Test samples with different opening sizes were tested, and the results were compared to those using a conventional perforated metal panel. Additional samples were silver plated and tested to simulate the effect of vents constructed using the lossy material installed on top of a perforated metal panel. The reference configuration was a coaxial cable inside the chamber that was terminated with a 50 Ohm closed standard. Measurement results are presented that compare the emissions from the various test samples to those using a conventional perforated metal panel vent.

Presenter Bio:

Mr. Marchand is a Test Engineer at ARC Technologies, LLC, A Hexcel Company. He began working in the radar and infrared field as a student at the University of Massachusetts at Lowell. There he participated in scale model radar research. Joel is experienced in creating artificial dielectric materials as well as characterizing electromagnetic properties of materials. He has more than 10 years of experience testing lossy materials and programming algorithms to predict their performance in the field. He is considered the staff expert with respect to radar theory and electromagnetic properties of loaded materials.