RF Fundamentals: Part 2 - All About Radio Frequency
10/9/2019 12:00:00 AM1 hour 40 min
Welcome to RF Fundamentals, the three-part video training on everything about radio frequency, instructed by RF Engineer and expert from Rohde & Schwarz: Neil Jarvis. This is Part 2. Click here for Part 1.
What you will learn:
- Basic RF and signal characteristics
- Transmission characteristics and modulation
- I-Q Signal representation and constellation diagrams
- Essential measurement setups
And more…
What topics are covered?
We will start with a refresh on the basics of RF and will work our way through transmission characteristics such as gain, attenuation and frequency response. We’ll then cover signal conditioning, filtering, amplification and more. You will then learn about signal models, harmonics, spurious and modulation. We will cover basic and more complex modulations, nPSK, nQAM, I and Q representation and constellation diagrams.