Online Archives of Past Articles in High Frequency Electronics

Presently, all publishers of magazines, newsletters, books—actually, anything printed—pay close attention to trends and attitudes about Internet-based information. The majority of our readers seem to prefer a printed magazine, although our Online Edition is gradually growing in popularity. However, the highest online activity for us is continued growth in the number of downloads from our Archives of past articles. In the month of March this year, we had record activity with more than 25,000 visits to the web site. More than 15,000 of those visits were to the Archives. Our Archives have always been popular, and we interpret the increased traffic as simply part of the overall growth in use of Internet as a reference resource. It also confirms our decision when this magazine was founded nine years ago to present all content online and provide an archive of all past articles. In the near future, you may notice some changes in the way our web site is organized, but there will be no change in our commitment to publish our magazine both in print and online.
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