Multiband Monopole Antenna for Wireless Communication

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  • Author: H. Hassan and A.-K. Hamid
Multiband antennas are attractive for many military and commercial applications where it is required to have a single antenna that can be dynamically reconfigured on multiple frequency bands. Such antennas result in considerable savings in size and weight, as well as cost. Recent development of modern wireless and mobile communication has suggested increasing demands for novel antennas with a multiband operation for cellular and WLAN applications. For instance, wireless local area networks (WLAN) for the IEEE 802.11b and IEEE 802.11a operate in 2.4-2.48 GHz, 5.15-5.35 GHz and 5.725-5.825 GHz. Many novel antenna structures for single, dual or multiple bands have been proposed, however, most of these antenna configurations suggest complicated design in the antenna structures. In this article, a lossy magnetic-material coated monopole antenna on a conducting box is simulated by using FDTD. Multiband oper5.35 GHz and 5.725-5.825 GHz. Many novel antenna structures for single, dual or multiple bands have been proposed, however, most of these antenna configurations suggest complicated design in the antenna structures. In this article, a lossy magnetic-material coated monopole antenna on a conducting box is simulated by using FDTD. Multiband operation and good radiation performance suitable for the WLAN and cellular systems can be achieved. Details of the antenna design are described, and simulated results such as return loss, input resistance and reactance, radiation patterns are presented and discussed.
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