A Note on Electroformed Cables

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  • Author: Alvin Tuck (President, A.J. Tuck Co), Roger Henley, Peter Onnigan, Gary Breed (Editorial Director), Dale Edwards (Semiconductor Research Corporation)
I read with interest the great article “Electroformed Cables Deliver Performance in Highly Demanding Applications” in the January 2006 issue of High Frequency Electronics magazine. This article is well written and explains the advantages of electro-forming for this application perfectly. My hat is off to Bob Thiele, he did a great job. However, the one thing he neglected to mention is that although Semflex did produce these, they did not develop this application for the customer who uses the parts photographed. The electroforming process for this particular product was developed by the A J Tuck Company, which handed over the wax mandrel process to that customer as part of the original sales agree-ment. The customer in turn incorporated this informa-tion into their specifications and went looking for com-petitive suppliers, and this is when Semflex got involved. Undoubtedly, there still was a significant amount of development work by Semflex to make molds for the wax mandrels and re-create the whole manufacturing process, but the parts were already being produced in production quantities before they became involved. This is perhaps a minor point, but since I developed the process personally, I felt com-pelled to follow up.
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