High Efficiency, High Linearity, GaN HEMT Amplifiers for WiMAX Applications

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  • Author: S. Wood, P. Smith, W. Pribble, R. Pengelly, & J. Crescenzi
Worldwide Inter-operability for Microwave Access, better known as WiMAX, is a standards-based wireless technolo-gy for providing high-speed, last-mile broad- band connectivity to homes and businesses as well as for mobile wireless networks. With the fixed version of WiMAX, based on IEEE 802.16-2004, transmissions can potentially carry data traffic over more than 30 miles (~50 km) in rural areas, 6 miles (~10 km) in suburban areas, and 3 miles (~5 km) in dense urban areas. The technology is seen as both complement and successor to Wi-Fi, which sends data over shorter distances. The fixed version of WiMAX can provide data rates up to 75 megabits per second (Mbps) per four-sector base station. WiMAX will be instrumental in bringing broadband wireless to homes and offices, providing the backhaul for Wi-Fi hotspots, and eventually connecting users to the Internet in places not covered by 802.11. In those parts of the world lacking a well developed wired infrastructure, 802.16 offers a practical way to extend service to many dif-ferent parts of a country, such as China or India. WiMAX can bring broadband access into the homes and businesses of millions of people in rural and developing markets.
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