News of Recent Military System Deployments

The nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) was officially christened October 7 at Northrop Grumman Newport News ship yard with its namesake and 41st president in attendance. “I hope the American people will accept my sincere gratitude for an honor that touches my heart,” said for-mer President Bush. “This is any naval aviator’s dream come true.”The ship’s sponsor, Bush’s daughter, Doro Bush Koch, christened the ship with the ceremonial breaking of a champagne bottle across the bow. President George W.Bush also attended the ceremony, standing side-by-side with Koch and his father for the christening. While the carrier still follows basic Nimitz-class spec- ifications, it includes numerous improvements. Most of the changes have been made to the 700-ton island struc-ture, including the removal of one level and increasing the height of individual levels by nine inches, which leaves room to add new and upgraded systems as they become available.
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