Practical Design Comparison Between High-Power GaAs MESFET and GaN HEMT

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  • Author: Ivan Boshnakov
In the recent years wide bandgap tran-sistors, such as SiC MESFETs and GaN HEMTs, have appeared on the market for high power RF/microwave applications. They offer higher power density and higher voltage operation, which in turn are associated with much lower parasitic capacitances and much higher load-line dynamic resistance, and hence wider band- width applications. Of the two kinds the GaN HEMTs offer higher gain performance. This article compares the performance of a 10W GaAs MESFET which has been very pop-ular for years and a new 10W GaN HEMT, by describing the practical design of 10W Class A amplifier stages with each of the two transis-tors.
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