Practical RF Amplifier Design Using the Available Gain Procedure and the Advanced Design System EM/Circuit Co-Simulation Capability

This article features a method of designing a low noise RF amplifier for an 802.11b receiver application and contains an Avago ATF54143 PHEMT transistor. ADS design tools are used such that the techniques presented remove much of the guesswork from the design process. Design speed and cost along with RF performance are of utmost importance for most RF designs, thus, one of the main objectives is to yield a design that works with the first PCB pass. If successful, multiple PCB layouts are avoided, which saves design cost and time. This design procedure is considered successful even if some of the lumped component values have to be adjusted slightly to get the desired RF performance – as long as the layout does not have to be modified to have a working circuit. It is also considered successful even if the model prediction doesn’t exactly agree with measured results, but the resulting circuit still meets the design criteria and specifications. The featured amplifier covers a frequency ran
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