Center for Advanced Microstructures and Devices Uses the Planar TR1300/1 VNA to Fine Tune Particle Acceleration

Vector network analyzers are used in storage rings to provide a diagnostic measure of the “optics” of the electron beam as it passes through magnetic lenses. The network analyzer generates an RF signal from Port 1 which is sent to a metal stripline, also known as a traveling wave electrode, to excite the electron beam. The beam motion is detected using a corresponding downstream stripline. The detection signal is ultimately returned to the VNA where it is compared with the drive signal via an S21 measurement. When the beam is operational, peaks occur in the measured response corresponding to so-called vertical and horizontal “tunes”. Through adjustments in the ring controls the tunes can be guided toward desirable stable points and away from resonances which would decrease the beam’s intensity. CAMD was looking to replace their aging VNA with a more modern, programmable and affordable solution. Ideally, a portable VNA was desired so that it could be also used in maintenance and testing applications around the facility.

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