The RF MEMS Switch is a Solution for the LTE Advanced Standard

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  • Author: Olivier Millet, Igor Lalicevic - DelfMEMS

The Wireless Communication market is a growing rapidly and is very competitive. The technologies which serve this market are also evolving at a rapid pace, especially for this sector's flagship product, the mobile handset. Handsets are becoming lighter, more attractive, highly compact and demonstrate extended talktime. Technical advancements include enhanced connectivity functionality such as GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth, digital TV, multimedia and specialized operating systems. The introduction of new 4G wireless standards (LTE FDD and LTE TDD) dictates the need for multi-band, multi-mode mobile handsets which allow compatibility with the existing 2G & 3G infrastructure (GSM/EDGE, CDMA and WCDMA). These handsets must also support roaming needs for extending connectivity with regional specific allocation of frequency-bands.
OEM's & RF Front End Module Makers are facing many challenges to address the expending frequency bandwiths and the need for higher data rate speed.

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