Recent Advances and Future Trends in SOI for RF Applications

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  • Author: Aniruddha Joshi, Tzung-yin Lee, Yuh-yue Chen and David Whitefield
RFCMOS on SOI substrates has become the technology of choice in recent years for wireless applications such as switches, tuners and power amplifiers. The popularity of RFCMOS-SOI is a result of a ‘push-pull’ effect. The ‘push’ comes from component providers who prefer SOI over GaAs due to its integration potential (e.g. control functions, digital interface, multiple RF functions), benefits of Silicon ecosystem (e.g. design kits, ESD) as well as lower cost. The ‘pull’ comes from wafer manufacturers who can extract higher value from older manufacturing facilities by enabling SOI-based offerings. This symbiotic interaction has driven the RFCMOS-SOI market towards million-wafers-per-year run rate.
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