A Choice of Future m2m Access Technologies for Mobile Network Operators

It is predicted that by the early years of the next decade over 20 billion devices will be wirelessly connected in the Internet of Things (IoT). Many of these will use short-range wireless systems such as Bluetooth Smart, Wi-Fi or Zigbee, but, if so, they will depend on some private infrastructure being in-place, accessible and reliable. A ubiquitous public cellular network that was easy to use, penetrated deeply into almost all locations, and allowed for truly low-cost/low-energy devices capable of operating for years on a small battery, would be of enormous benefit. It would serve many existing machine-to-machine (m2m) applications such as metering, remote sensing, and telemetry; but more importantly would fuel the rapid development of the mass Internet of Things market by providing reliable and accessible connectivity for even the most low-cost/low-energy device. It would be a platform for substantial revenue growth for mobile network operators globally.

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