The Design of L-band GaN PAs Using Commercially Available Discrete Transistors

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  • Author: Robert Smith, Andy Dearn, Stuart Glynn

This paper describes the design and evaluation of four different single stage L-Band GaN Power Amplifiers (PAs) using commercially available, low-cost packaged transistors. Two of the transistors are housed in SMT plastic packages and two in metal-based ceramic packages. The transistors are commercially available parts from Qorvo realised on a high voltage 0.25 µm GaN process. All four amplifiers have been optimised for the 0.96 to 1.215 GHz band and are designed to operate in CW or pulsed mode. The plastic packaged parts offer output powers of 11 W and 14 W with corresponding PAEs of 65% and 55%. The ceramic packaged parts offer higher output power levels of 59 W and 125 W with PAEs of 60% and 70% respectively. This paper describes the design, realisation and measurement of the four PAs, which demonstrate high performance using cost-effective commercially available transistors.

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