Filtered Low Noise GPS Amplifier

A new GPS low noise amplifier has been developed which offers the user performance flexibility in amplifying either L1 (1575 MHz) or L1 and L2 (1227 MHz) GPS signals. Through the use of modular assembly and model-specific configurations, this amplifier can be set up to meet a user’s specific requirements with regard to gain, operating voltage, and bias configuration while still maintaining a low 1.6 dB (typical) noise figure. The bias voltage can be applied through the external RF output or through an external connector.

As an alternative method, a power supply OR’ing circuit allows the user to purchase one component that can be powered via either means. The article discusses the importance of placing a high-quality, low-loss filter ahead of the amplifier to prevent intermodulation distortions even though this placement raises the system noise figure. The article also addresses the option of using a limiter diode and the placement of this component in the system lineup. 

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