A Comprehensive PHEMT Core Model For Switch Applications

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  • Author: Ce-Jun Wei, Yu Zhu, Hong Yin, Olesky Klimashov, and Dylan Bartle
A comprehensive non-linear PHEMT core model for switch applications is described. The model combines an accurate description of CV below pinch-off and a 2D CV function above pinch-off for better charge and capacitance modeling. At the same time, more accurate is the model’s IV prediction on the current in the near pinch-off region. The model has detailed leakage equations and dispersion function covering a wide range of operation, and taking gate lag into consideration. The model was verified by a variety of measured data, including IV/transfer curves, leakages, floating voltages and S-parameters/CV curves. In a switch application, comparison between modeled and measured data on harmonics, insertion loss and isolation regarding various driving power shows excellent and consistent agreement in both on-state and off-state.
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