An MRI Compatible RF MEMs Controlled Wireless Power Transfer System

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  • Author: Kelly Byron, Simone A. Winkler, Fraser Robb, Shreyas Vasanawala, John Pauly, Greig Scott

In magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), wearable wireless receive coil arrays are a key technology goal. An MRI compatible wireless power transfer (WPT) system will be needed to realize this technology. An MRI WPT system must withstand the extreme electromagnetic environment of the scanner and cannot degrade MRI image quality. This white paper describes the development of a WPT system for operation in MRI scanners using new microelectromechanical RF MEMS switch technology. The WPT system includes a class-E power amplifier, RF MEMs automated impedance matching, a primary coil array employing RF MEMs power steering, and a flexible secondary coil with class-E rectification. To adapt WPT technology to MRI, techniques are developed for operation at high magnetic field, and to mitigate the RF interactions between the scanner and WPT system.

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