Creating a GNSS Test Plan: A Start to Finish Guide

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  • Author: Lisa Perdue

GPS/GNSS signals are everywhere. The low cost and high performance of GNSS receiver chipsets makes it easier than ever to include a GNSS receiver in products that never had them before. With the availability of multiple GNSS constellations that transmit signals on multiple frequencies, and various available technologies to improve the accuracy of GNSS, evaluating and selecting a receiver can be a significant undertaking. A great deal of time and effort usually goes into receiver selection, and then there is the engineering effort required to integrate the receiver into the final product. Systems integrators may think that their receivers were already tested by the manufacturer and that there was no need to test again in the final product.

However, this would not be an accurate assessment. How the receiver is integrated can have a major impact on product performance. The placement of the antenna and associated components is also important, if the antenna is integrated into the product. Ensuring that the system is not generating noise that interferes with GNSS reception is another key reason to test. Testing in the environment and under the conditions in which the product must operate are a major part of product development, and these should not be overlooked.

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