Tackling Millimeter-Wave Signal Analysis Challenges

Millimeter-wave technology transforms wireless communications. Next-generation 5G, satellite, and automotive radar communications achieve higher data throughput and super-fine range resolution using ultra-wide bandwidth. Millimeter-wave technology is a key enabler and provides ample margin for performance improvement, but it creates challenges such as path loss, tight design margins, complex modulation, and stringent standards.

At millimeter-wave frequencies, excessive path loss makes radio-frequency (RF) power limited and costly. Also, measuring performance metrics using over-the-air (OTA) test methods makes achieving accurate and repeatable results more difficult. Wide bandwidths enable high-throughput data, range resolution and accuracy, and low latency but also introduce more noise. The excessive path loss and noise increase test complexity and measurement uncertainties.

This paper discusses key considerations when tackling the test challenges for today’s and tomorrow’s millimeter-wave applications.

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