How Wi-Fi Continues to Evolve to be The Solution to Wireless Data Demand

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  • Author: Mike Eddy

The demand for wireless data continues on its dramatic growth trend, driven by streaming video to wireless devices. According to Cisco’s 2019 Visual Networking Index, overall mobile data traffic is expected to grow to 77 exabytes per month by 2022, a seven-fold increase over 2017. Additionally, mobile data traffic will grow at a CAGR of 46 percent from 2017 to 2022, driven by increasingly smarter devices capable of higher data speeds and hence more data-hungry applications.

The increase in mobile data speeds is also driving more households to “cut the cord,” and become solely connected to their broadband via a wireless connection. 5G speeds also enable fixed wireless access use cases which will further increase the amount of wireless broadband data.

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