MicroTCA Ruggedisation for Military Comms

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  • Author: Dr. Paul Moakes

MicroTCA and the Advanced Mezzanine Card (AMC) have proved successful
building blocks for modular switched serial architecture solutions. Unsurprisingly,
the cost and performance benefits found in commercial embedded systems are
attractive to applications spaces with more rugged operating requirements.
To address this, PICMG developed the Rugged MicroTCA specification,
MicroTCA.1, and Hardened MicroTCA specifications, MicroTCA.2 and MicroTCA.3.
Even under these tougher environmental requirements, MicroTCA’s SWaP-C
(Size, Weight, Power, and Cost) remain advantageous when compared with
alternative solutions.

But what are the challenges when modifying an existing air-cooled AMC design 
for a rugged application. This paper discusses the experiences of CommAgility’s
engineers when given just that challenge for a military communications project.

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