The failure of a coaxial cable assembly during operation can be costly, and not just monetarily. The cost failure could also amount to loss of life, complete mission failure, or the downtime of essential communication, radar,location, or jammer systems. For military, aerospace, and other critical applications, failure of systems that rely on coaxial cable assemblies is unacceptable, and, for this reason, assemblies are often required to meet stringent military specifications (MIL-SPEC) for use in such applications.
This white paper will explain:
- The key standards and requirements for MIL-SPEC and Hi-Rel coaxial cable assemblies
- Material Control
- Processes
- Workmanship Criteria
- Other desirable features for Hi-Rel assemblies
- The Pasternack process of making Hi-Rel assemblies that ship same day
- The Pasternack offering of MIL-DTL-17 and temperature conditioned Hi-Rel assemblies