Millimeter Wave Experimental Field Setup

A hundred meters millimeter wave transmission is demonstrated by TMYTEK’s rapid prototyping platform. Academics and businesses have been working hard to create new innovation and further research on the millimeter wave experiments such as 5G millimeter wave commercialization approaches. Measuring over-the-air transmission performance is one of the essential experiments to get to know how millimeter wave works in the real environment to assist operators evaluate the number of base stations that are required for any specific area. The experiment expedites the development of beam-forming and beam tracking algorithms in addition to making base station construction simpler for telecom operators. Conducting related research and data analysis is crucial for the millimeter wave experimental sector.With the 256 QAM modulation scheme, we will demonstrate a 100-meter millimeter wave communication while preserving an excellent EVM performance. Learn about the function of each communication component and the theory behind them to enhance the performance while simultaneously attempting to understand the impact of the demonstration.

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