Top 10 Considerations for 5G Chamber Design and Testing

Following is our Top 10 list of the most important factors to consider when developing or refining your requirements for a 5G wireless test chamber. We hope this resource helps you avoid common mistakes and identify important details that will ensure a successful project outcome. A wireless test chamber is a significant investment. Protect your chamber through awareness of factors that will contribute to, or may adversely impact, a positive return on your investment. Quick and concise, this guide covers pre-delivery preparedness, standards awareness, understanding of FR1 and FR2 testing, nuances of reflectors, upgrades to your existing chamber to expand testing capabilities, the critical impact of software, emerging industry trends – including base stations and phased arrays – and more! Whether yours is a commercial test lab or a company looking to expanding its in-house R&D capabilities, these considerations should help you arrive at the optimal chamber design to address your wireless test needs now, and in the future.

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