ANSYS 5G Antenna Solutions

The promise of millimeter wave technologies will be preceded by extension of sub-6 GHz systems leveraging band-aggregation to get to 5G speeds with existing infrastructure. This will require multiple radios to operate simultaneously introducing crosstalk and thermal issues. 5G advanced methods and processing demand highly linear RF front ends, higher integration, more filtering and RF switching. Then as millimeter wave emerges engineers will leverage simulation to solve sensitivity to temperature, efficiency, and circuit density challenges.

These are enormous challenges! Addressing these challenges requires a pervasive engineering platform to accurately simulate the multiple physics and multiple technologies that comprise these 5G designs, a platform that can make use of advanced high-performance computing and be deployed enterprise wide allowing designers and engineering experts to collaborate and develop 5G-capable systems. The ANSYS design platform meets these requirements and is the simulation you need to realize your 5G engineering innovations.

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