5G AIoT: Empowering the Future of Smart Connectivity

The combination of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Things (IoT), dubbed AIoT, opens up new possibilities for how we collect, analyze and react to data, promising an era of smarter, faster decision-making. Using clusters of AI-empowered IoT devices, computing will shift to the edge,where high-speed data processing will enable lightning-fast adjustments to processes, workflow and productivity.

Industries ranging from manufacturing and medical to automotive and telecoms are all poised to reap the benefits of these capabilities, but, in order to get there, AIoT must be supported by network capabilities that allow for increased data connectivity, ultra-low latency and high capacity.5G technology is the answer to this requirement. With 5G,AIoT delivers on the full promise of its potential, ushering in a new era of massive connectivity that will revolutionize how we live, work and play.

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