5G Spectrum For Local Industrial Networks

Many industries are looking at 5G as the backbone of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It is a golden opportunity for communications service providers (CSPs) to create and capture new market spaces by driving innovation, efficiency, and growth across various industries.A key factor influencing the uptake of wireless solutions is the question of how to handle spectrum for industrial purposes, since reliable connectivity demands licensed spectrum.Some countries provide spectrum dedicated for industrial use, whereas others do not. The intention of this paper is not to discuss the pros and cons of such spectrum strategies, but rather to focus on industries with local radio coverage needs. It tries to show that whether spectrum is set aside for industries or not, CSPs are in the prime position to optimally address these industrial connectivity needs with powerful 5G networks and business models focused on industries.

One of the objectives of this paper is to address concerns regarding spectrum access for those industries that are early adopters of 3GPP cellular technologies for limited areas —in particular, industries such as manufacturing, mining, and ports as well as those with the opportunity to use cellular technologies in their operations but which have not seen wide adoption yet, such as the airport, oil and gas, warehousing, hospital, education, and construction industries.

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