One Size Does Not Fit All: A Guide for Choosing the Right SOM, SBC or Custom Hardware for IoT Design Projects

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  • Author: Gary Bisson

Once your team decides to use a pre‑built hardware solution from a trusted partner, your decision-making process is not done. There is a series of decisions you will need to make to determine which option is the best fit for your IoT design project. That includes choosing the right form factor, specifications and other features that align with the device you are delivering to market. In the past, this decision‑making process was simpler because there were far fewer options when it came to SOMs and SBCs. But as the IoT market has grown, so have the number of pre‑built hardware solutions. Today, there are a wide range of hardware solutions, and one size does not fit all. Some are standards-based and some are proprietary. Some engineering teams may start to develop with a SOM on a Carrier Development board, and then end up with a custom SBC later in the process as they make further decisions about form factor.

If that isn’t enough options already, here’s another: Despite the diversity of SOM and SBC options on the market, it may be that none of them are the right fit for your IoT project. In that situation, commissioning a custom design may be the best path forward. Choosing the right path is vital. The right one will get you to market faster, on budget, and with a more successful product. The wrong choice may have far‑reaching and expensive consequences. This white paper will guide you through key steps in the decision-making process for selecting the right option.

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