Design of a Microstrip Broadband LDMOS Class-E Power Amplifier

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  • Author: Yingjie Xu, Jingqi Wang, and Xiaowei Zhu
The power amplifier (PA) consumes a majority of electrical power in a base station, thus high-efficiency amplification is necessary to reduce power consumption. High-efficiency switch mode PA design (class-E, class-F, etc.) has attracted a heated discussion. The topology of class-E high-efficiency PA was first introduced by N.O. Sokal and A.D. Sokal in 1975 [1], the simple structure of which makes itself well accepted in high-effThe topology of class-E high-efficiency PA was first introduced by N.O. Sokal and A.D. Sokal in 1975 [1], the simple structure of which makes itself well accepted in high-effciency amplification design. Many papers have been reported to analyze the operating principles of class-E PA [2-5]. Class-E working condition requires high load impedance at all the harmonics, which makes a wide-band class-E amplifier easier to design than a wideband class-F amplifier [6]. Therefore, class-E is a good candidate to design a high-efficiency broadband PA.
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