A Multi-Channel Depth-Sounding Radar with an Improved Power Amplifier

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  • Author: Kevin Player, Lei Shi, Dr. Chris Allen, Dr. Carl Leuschen, John Ledford, Fernando Rodriguez-Morales, William Blake, Ben Panzer, and Dr. Sarah Seguin
The Multi-Channel Coherent Radar Depth-Sounder (MCoRDS) system was developed by the Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS) at the University of Kansas to map the thickness and underlying bed elevation for glaciers in Antarctica on the NASA Operation Ice Bridge (OIB) mission. Scientists believe that the lubricating effect of liquid water at the bed-ice interface will significantly increase the glacial flow resulting in more ice being discharged into the ocean. Bed elevation that is below sea level is particularly susceptible to this effect. Therefore, to better predict the future movement of ice sheets in Antarctica, scientists and modellers need to know the current elevations and topography of the bed beneath several outlet glaciers in Antarctica.
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