Beamforming Boosts the Range and Capacity of WiMAX Networks

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  • Author: Paul Sergeant and Tong Swan Pang
Having gained much momentum over the past few years, WiMAX is now widely viewed as a leading candidate for fourthgeneration (4G) wireless data communication. Because WiMAX is based on Internet Protocol (IP), the technology builds on principles that have proven versatile and cost-effective in the Internet. Compared to traditional 3G cellular networks, WiMAX offers a more affordable technology for transferring large amounts of data with high throughput. A technology known as adaptive beamforming can magnify this WiMAX advantage considerably. At a relatively low implementation cost, beamforming improves both the range and capacity of a WiMAX network. In fact, beamforming reduces capital and operating expenses for WiMAX implementations by minimizing the number of base stations needed in a network. Fujitsu and Cisco are strongly committed to the use of beamforming in WiMAX neted in a network. Fujitsu and Cisco are strongly committed to the use of beamforming in WiMAX net.
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