EuMW 2020 to Take Place Virtually in Jan 2021

EuMW 2020 to Take Place Virtually in Jan 2021

In light of the global pandemic, growing numbers of cases in Europe, and related measures imposed by the respective authorities, European Microwave Week (EuMW) organizers have decided to make EuMW 2020 a virtual event while simultaneously planning for the next in-person event in London in October of 2021. 

EuMW is organized by Horizon House on behalf of the European Microwave Association (EuMA), an international non-profit association with a scientific, educational and technical purpose. The event was originally set to take place in Amsterdam in September 2020, however, event managers postponed the live, in-person event in Utrecht, The Netherlands to 10-15 January 2021 in the hopes that the global pandemic would have subsided by then. It has now become evident that it would be extremely difficult to safely gather attendees and exhibitors in person by Jan 2021. So the event has now moved online.

EuMW 2020 includes the European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2020), the 15th European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC 2020), and the 17th European Radar Conference (EuRAD 2020). EuMW selects vFairs advanced graphical platform to enable networking, learning, and exhibition in lieu of in-person event this year.

The virtual event will begin on 10 January 2021 and last until 15 January 2021. Attendees can access conference sessions and visit the virtual booths until 5 February. The event management team is reaching out to exhibitors and speakers now to arrange for the transition to a virtual program for EuMW 2020.

Individuals and business worldwide are quickly adapting to the pandemic. Fortunately, the options for virtual events have improved considerably over just the last few months. End users have much more experience and comfort with virtual events than before COVID.  Although nothing can replace the experience of a live conference and exhibition, Horizon House is confident that the virtual EuMW 2020 will be a great show for the microwave and RF community. The technical program remains robust with plans to transition all scheduled talks to the vFairs conference platform.

Click here to learn more about the conference.

Publisher: everything RF