Dassault Systemes Offers CST Studio Suite with Multiple High Frequency Electromagnetic Simulation Solvers

Dassault Systemes Offers CST Studio Suite with Multiple High Frequency Electromagnetic Simulation Solvers

The CST Studio Suite for high frequency (HF) electromagnetic (EM) design solution by Dassault Systemes, provides customers access to a suite of multiple EM simulation solvers. CST Studio Suite® is a high-performance 3D EM analysis software package for designing, analyzing and optimizing electromagnetic (EM) components and systems. The multiple EM solver options provided for high frequencies (HF) include time domain solver, frequency domain solver, asymptotic solver, Eigenmode solver, filter designer 3D, integral equation solver, multilayer solver, and hybrid solver task. Each of these solvers utilize methods such as finite element method (FEM), finite integration technique (FIT), and the transmission line matrix method (TLM).

The seamless integration of these solvers into one user interface in CST Studio Suite enables easy selection of the most appropriate simulation method for a given problem class. Being able to choose between simulation approaches leads to improved simulation performance and unprecedented simulation reliability through cross-verification.

Various High Frequency EM Solvers Offered by Dassault Systemes

Time Domain Solver: The Time Domain Solver is a powerful and versatile multi-purpose transient 3D full-wave solver, with both finite integration technique (FIT) and transmission line matrix (TLM) implementations included in a single package. The Time Domain Solver can perform broadband simulations in a single run. Support for hardware acceleration and MPI cluster computing also makes the solver suitable for extremely large, complex and detail-rich simulations.

Frequency Domain Solver: The Frequency Domain Solver is a powerful multi-purpose 3D full-wave solver, based on the finite element method (FEM) that offers excellent simulation performance for many types of component.

Because the Frequency Domain Solver can calculate all ports at the same time, it is also a very efficient way to simulate multi-port systems such as connectors and arrays.

Asymptotic Solver: The Asymptotic Solver is a ray tracing solver which is efficient for extremely large structures where a full-wave solver is unnecessary. The Asymptotic Solver is based on the Shooting Bouncing Ray (SBR) method. SBR is an extension to physical optics, and capable of tackling simulations with an electric size of many thousands of wavelengths.

Eigenmode Solver: The Eigenmode Solver is a 3D solver for simulating resonant structures, incorporating the Advanced Krylov Subspace method (AKS), and the Jacobi-Davidson method (JDM). Common applications of the Eigenmode Solver are highly resonant filter structures, high-Q particle accelerator cavities, and slow wave structures such as traveling wave tubes.

The Eigenmode Solver supports sensitivity analysis, allowing the direct calculation of the detuning effect of structural deformation.

Filter Designer 3D: A synthesis tool for designing bandpass and diplexer filters, producing a range of coupling matrix topologies for the application in arbitrary coupled-resonator based technology. It also offers a choice of building blocks to realize 3D filters through the Assembly Modeling. From the Component Library, the user can choose between combline/interdigital coaxial cavities and rectangular waveguides.

Integral Equation Solver: The Integral Equation Solver is a 3D full-wave solver, based on the method of moments (MOM) technique with multilevel fast multipole method (MLFMM). The Integral Equation Solver uses a surface integral technique, which makes it much more efficient than full volume methods when simulating large models with lots of empty space.

Multilayer Solver: The Multilayer Solver is a 3D full-wave solver, based on the method of moments (MOM) technique. The Multilayer Solver uses a surface integral technique and is optimized for simulating planar microwave structures. The Multilayer Solver includes a characteristic mode analysis (CMA) feature which calculates the modes supported by a structure.

Hybrid Solver Task: The Hybrid Solver Task allows the Time Domain, Frequency Domain, Integral Equation and Asymptotic Solvers to be linked for hybrid simulation. For simulation projects that involve very wide frequency bands or electrically large structures with very fine details, calculations can be made much more efficient by using different solvers on different parts.

Dassault Systems' growing success is based on a combination of leading edge technology, user-friendly interface and knowledgeable support staff. Its CST solutions are used by market leaders in a diverse range of industries, including aerospace, automotive, defense, electronics, healthcare and telecommunications.

Click here to learn more about the CST Studio Suite for High Frequency EM Simulation Solvers.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   SoftwareEM Simulation