Cubic Nuvotronics has launched two unique antennas to improve the Size, Weight, and Power (SWaP) profile for airborne applications from 18 to 60 GHz. A 2-arm spiral antenna and a 4-arm sinuous antenna, which can endure extreme mechanical shock and weather conditions typical of airborne defense systems while maintaining an optimal performance.
These antennas utilize Nuvotronics’ PolyStrata® manufacturing technology that offers the following key benefits during the design:
- An antenna feed structure with integrated signal conditioning components within the micro-miniature transmission line assembly
- Optimal combination of low loss and bandwidth
- Industry-leading antenna gain and beamwidth over a 3:1 bandwidth
- Excellent unit-to-unit amplitude and phase consistency—key requirements of radar warning and precision direction systems
2-Arm Spiral Antenna: This 2-arm antenna is a cavity-backed spiral antenna in a ½-inch diameter package and operates from 18 to 60 GHz. It includes an integrated wideband balun and can be configured as right or left with a 2.92 mm, 2.40 mm, or 1.85 mm connector. This antenna provides up to 7 dBi of realizable gain and has a boresight axial ratio of better than 2 dB.
4-Arm Sinuous Antenna: This cavity-backed sinuous antenna is available in a 1/2 inch diameter package similar to the 2-arm spiral antenna and operates from 18 to 50 GHz. This dual-polarized sinuous antenna provides a realizable gain of 3 dBi and has a boresight axial ratio of up to 2 dB. It has a SMPM (GPPO) connector interface.
Both antennas are ideal for applications such as radar warning receivers, SIGNT/ELINT, interferometry, and wideband direction finding. Click here to learn more about antennas from Cubic Nuvotronics.