Analog Devices Introduces 10-Gbps Full Signal Chain Solution at IMS 2016

At IMS 2016 Analog Devices exhibited a complete 10-Gbps E-Band solution for point-to-point radio. Delivering a 10-Gbps full signal chain solution is a milestone for the communication industry, enabling high bandwidth applications to operate entirely on wireless networks without the need for expensive fiber infrastructure. They have partnered with Escape Communications to create a unique ecosystem that goes beyond components and provides a full solution for the customer.

According to Karim Hamed, general manager, Microwave and VSAT Business, at Analog Devices - They been pushing the limits of technological innovation and commercially viable solutions for microwave backhaul, and this new 10 Gbps E-Band solution is the latest example of this. The ecosystem not only provides a 10-Gbps capability, but also an end-to-end E-Band solution for point-to-point backhaul. Customers can now introduce their backhaul solution to market faster with this high-performance, reliable, and cost-efficient solution.

Both companies contributed important enabling technologies to the ecosystem:

  • Analog Devices provided a complete front-end solution from antenna to bits, including millimeter wave up and down-converter SiPs, and high-speed A/D converter and D/A converter components.
  • Escape Communications contributed its FPGA-based modem design and signal processing IP.
Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   Test & Measurement