Heptagon Acquires RF Digital to Strengthen its Position in IoT

Heptagon has announced acquisition of the RF Digital Corporation, including the RFduino and recently released Simblee, component-sized wireless module. This move further strengthens their position in the rapidly emerging IoT market and leverages the synergies of both companies by combining easy-to-connect modular solutions from RF Digital with Heptagon's expertise in sensing, illumination and 3D imaging solutions.

RF Digital's newest technology and product line - Simblee - incorporates Mobile, Bluetooth Smart, Mesh, Cloud and other forms of wireless communication. With its unique “Push UI” technology, billions of users can interact with Simblee-connected devices instantly without needing to download additional mobile applications for each IoT product.

This is an ideal product to combine with Heptagon's sensors for a flexible mix-and-match building-block solution. This removes a significant amount of work from the development of mobile-connected IoT devices, making the technology much more accessible to a broader range of developers. In just a few hours, functional IoT applications can be created using the Simblee development environment. But it does more than just accelerate the device-mobile-cloud development path. The device's extremely low connection latency and its timing accuracy enables use in everything from wearable medical devices to gaming to industrial applications.

RF Digital, located in Southern California, was established in 1999, and led by its founder and President Armen Kazanchian for over 16 years. This transaction brings an expert team of hardware and software architects and engineers to Heptagon.

Publisher: everything RF