Arralis Introduces New W-Band Devices at EuMW

ArralisArralis, a company that specializes in developing products for high definition radar and ultra-fast data communications in the Aerospace and Satellite markets has added a number of new W-Band MMIC devices to its product range. Arralis designs and manufactures high frequency semiconductor chips, modules and antennas up to and beyond 110 GHz.

Power Amplifier: The TU-W1330305 is a 4-stage MMIC power amplifier that operates from 92 GHz to 96 GHz. The TU-W1330305 provides up to 20 dB of flat, stable gain, and a power output of more than 18 dBm from a 4V supply voltage with a low current draw of 210 mA.

Image Cancellation Mixer: The TU-W1340310 is an I/Q MMIC diode mixer with an integrated quadrature coupler for single sideband upconversion. The mixer is fabricated using GaAs Shottky diode technology and is designed for output frequencies in the range from 92 GHz to 96 GHz using either fixed IF and varying LO (86 GHz – 90 GHz) or fixed LO and varying IF (2 GHz – 6 GHz) signals, The circuit uses a double rat race configuration to effectively cancel image signals without filtering and has excellent signal to noise performance.

GaAs PHEMT MMIC Attenuator/ SPST Switch: The TU-W1401601 is a GaAs PHEMT diode based SPST switch and variable attenuator that operates from 90 to 100 GHz. The chip is manufactured on a 50um substrate with 100um gate length. All bond pads and the die underside are gold plated. The control voltage ranges from +1.5V to -1.5V.

A packaged version of each device is also available with a WR10 waveguide input and output on request. They have introduced these products at the European Microwave Week in London. Stop by stand number 34 at the European Microwave Week (4-6 October, 2016) to learn more about these devices and other products/technologies offered by Arralis. These will include smart beam steering antenna technology, new communications and radar modules and a unique GNSS antenna with a very low SWaP specification.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   EuMW 2016


  • Country: United Kingdom
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