CBNL Introduces 1.2 Gbps Point-to-Multi-Point Fixed Wireless Link at 28 GHz

Cambridge Broadband Networks (CBNL), the licensed point-to-multipoint (PMP) millimeter wave solutions provider has launched a new variant of its VectaStar platform that now delivers more than 1 Gbps to a site. They have secured a project to deploy the solution for a major carrier in New York City, initiating the world’s first Gbps PMP millimeter wave commercial fixed wireless links at 28 GHz. The first deployment of VectaStar 1200 will take place in New York City, upgrading a major carrier’s existing 28 GHz VectaStar network to deliver Gbps+ fixed wireless services.

The new VectaStar 1200 solution utilizes channel bonding to upgrade existing VectaStar network links and delivers up to 1.2 Gbps at 99.99% availability at distances up to 2.2 miles. In addition, it offers redundancy and high levels of spectrum reuse, enabling Gbps+ peak rates and increased capacity density, maximizing the number of sites that can be backhauled in the spectrum. The project builds on exceptional demand for CBNL’s 10.5 GHz and 26-39 GHz VectaStar solutions, which are approved as ETSI compliant and verified by the FCC. By pioneering the solution, a carrier can deliver bandwidth and service level agreements that have previously only been possible through point-to-point (PTP) in common carrier spectrum.

The VectaStar samily of point to point and point to multipoint radio links currently serves over 100 carriers in more than 50 countries. CBNL is demonstrating these at the MWC 17.

Publisher: everything RF