IoT Remote Monitoring Solution for Demanding Enterprise Requirements

Monnit Corporation has released a new enterprise-grade wireless products brand known as ALTA. This industry leading Internet of Things (IoT) remote monitoring solution has been specifically designed to meet higher-demanding enterprise requirements. ALTA wireless sensors are able to communicate readings over eight times the distance of standard sensor platforms. They also offer significantly longer battery life and introduce Monnit’s new Encrypt-RF bank level security, making them ideal for an infinitely wide range of sensing and control applications.

Created with the requirements of Monnit’s most demanding enterprise partners in mind, ALTA sensors are able to monitor conditions and wirelessly transmit data, from non-line of site (through walls) distances over 1,000 feet. In addition, ALTA solutions employ industry leading security algorithms, including a 256-bit exchange to establish a global unique key, and an AES-128 CTR for all data messages.

Some of the additional enhancements of the ALTA wireless portfolio are:

  • 5-star wireless reliability via frequency-hopping spread spectrum (FHSS).
  • Superior power management for longer battery life using off-the-shelf batteries.
  • Over-the-air (OTA) updates, allowing ALTA products to be updated remotely and making them future-proof.
  • Onboard sensor memory, allowing days, weeks or months of time-stamped data logging.
  • Feature Monnit’s new PinchPower, enclosure design for easy access to the battery compartment.
  • Exclusive and enhanced OEM, reseller and distributor pricing, platform access, and integration tools allow for low cost entry into IoT markets with minimal effort.

Click here to learn more about the ALTA Products.

Publisher: everything RF