New Ultra-High Capacity Long Range mmWave Links Enable Seamless Transition to 5G Wireless Backhaul

Filtronic Broadband’s highly integrated E-band transceiver modules have now been proven for N x 10 Gbps applications. Mobile network operators are set to face an ever-increasing demand for backhaul capacity as networks evolve through the transition from 4G to 5G. The new E-band Spectrum (71-76 GHz and 81-86 GHz) offers operators the ability to provide multi-gigabit backhaul to cell sites and wireless front-haul solutions (e.g. C-RAN).

The pre-calibrated ‘Orpheus’ and ‘Morpheus’ E-band modules supplied by Filtronic offer high levels of integration with on board diplexers and simple drop-in interfaces to modems and antennas. The innovative architecture significantly reduces the development cost and time to market for operators and original equipment manufacturers wanting to deploy E-band point-to-point radios.

Working in close collaboration with Escape Communications, using Escape’s ESM-20008 and ESM-5008 high capacity modems, Filtronic has demonstrated that the E-band transceiver modules can operate at 10 Gbps in a 2 GHz channel.

Orpheus is Filtronic’s 3rd generation E-band transceiver module, currently shipping in volume. Morpheus, Filtronic’s 4th generation product, introduces an innovative architecture ideally suited to rapid customization, for applications where the most demanding performance requirements (e.g. highest transmit power and/or lowest receive noise figure) may be important. Both modules support multi-channel radio architectures, enabling N x 10 Gbps solutions, appropriate for 5G applications.

In addition to the range of standard products, Filtronic has a platform of building blocks suitable for ultra-high capacity, long range millimeter wave links (e.g. Cerus, 2 W E-band power amplifier modules). The new capability is being demonstrated at the Filtronic booth at the International Microwave Symposium exhibition from June 6 - 8 June, 2017, in Honolulu, Hawaii.

Publisher: everything RF


  • Country: United Kingdom
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