Raytheon's GPS OCX Launch and Checkout System Accepted by US Air Force

The U.S. Air Force has officially accepted Raytheon's GPS Operational Control System launch and checkout system, also referred to as Block 0. They met all contractual requirements when it delivered the LCS to the service on Sept. 29.

LCS is a fully modernized cyber-secure ground system complete with the computing hardware, operations center workstations, and mission application software necessary to launch the first GPS III satellite into orbit and perform initial on-orbit testing.

This is a major milestone for the program, and it keeps the U.S. Air Force on track to launch the first modernized GPS satellite into space next year.

LCS forms the basis for the full system delivery, referred to as Block 1, which will provide higher accuracy and globally deployed modernized receivers, to ensure anti-jam capability for military users. It will also provide control of both legacy and modernized satellites and signals, including the new international L1C and modernized Military Code.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   SatelliteGPS