World’s First Point to Point Wireless Link for the 64 to 71 GHz License-Free Band

LightPointe, a manufacturer of outdoor 60 GHz and 70/80 GHz Point to Point radios, has developed an Ultra Low Latency (ULL) radio for the new FCC approved 64 to 71 GHz unlicensed band.

The Aire X-Stream Series, which has been available for several years in the 57 to 64 GHz and 71 to 86 GHz frequency ranges, now includes models designed for the “Upper 60 GHz” band which enables longer distances due to reduced atmospheric oxygen absorption. The links are designed around LightPointe’s Ultra Low Latency platform, which has become the de facto standard in applications requiring faster-than-fiber data transmission - such as High Speed Trading (HFT), Data Center connectivity, and bandwidth intensive transmission of digital video.

LightPointe continues its industry leadership in Point to Point backhaul radios and is the first company to develop and ship products with radio latency of less than 10 nanoseconds, conforming to the new FCC approved Upper 60 GHz frequency ranges. The advantage of traditional 60 GHz radios is that they do not require licensing and can be deployed quickly and affordably.

The radios build on these benefits and operate under lower oxygen attenuation - which means that they can transmit over longer distances than 57-64 GHz band radios, exceeding two miles. The new 64 to 71 GHz spectrum provides Internet Service Providers, Telecom Carriers, High Speed Trading firms, and Enterprises a cost-effective license-free alternative to licensed 80 GHz E-Band radios.

Click here to see Point-to-Point Backhaul Radios from the leading manufacturers.

Publisher: everything RF