Don't Miss these Interesting Technical Sessions at IMS 2019

Don't Miss these Interesting Technical Sessions at IMS 2019

The IEEE MTT International Microwave Symposium (IMS) is the premier annual international meeting for technologists involved in all aspects of microwave theory and practice. It consists of a full week of events, including technical paper presentations, workshops, and tutorials, as well as numerous social events and networking opportunities. This year the event will take place in Boston from 4-6 June. 

Here is the list of a few interesting technical sessions at IMS 2019:

Chair: Julio Navarro, Boeing

Co-chair: Glenn Hopkins, Georgia Tech

Location: 156AB

Abstract: This session highlights innovations in active phased array systems from state-of-the-art industrial and academic recent accomplishments. Scalable and modular phased array systems for communication applications are presented. In particular, phased array systems for satellite communications, 5G, millimeter-wave Gbps applications will be presented.

Technical Papers

  1. Monolithically Fabricated 4096-Element, PolyStrata Broadband D-Band Array Demonstrator (08:00 - 08:20)
  2. A Scalable Circularly-Polarized 256-Element Ka-Band Phased-Array SATCOM Transmitter with ±60° Beam Scanning and 34.5dBW EIRP (08:20 - 08:40)
  3. A Scalable 60 GHz Tx/Rx 2×64-Element Dual-Polarized Dual-Beam Wafer-Scale Phased-Array with Integrated Dual-Transceivers (08:40 - 09:00)
  4. A 128-Element 54–63GHz 2-Dimensional Tx/Rx Phased-Array with 64-QAM/30Gbps Communication Links (09:00 - 09:20)
  5. A Modular Architecture for Wide Scan Angle Phased Array Antenna for K/Ka Mobile SATCOM (09:20 - 09:40)

Chair: Valentina Palazzi, Università di Perugia

Co-chair: Weijing SU, Google

Location: 153AB

Abstract: This session highlights recent advances in 3D printed RF components and interconnects. A squeezed spherical cavity is presented that uses a rectangular slot for higher order mode suppression. Then an integrated transition between suspended rectangular coaxial lines to rectangular waveguide is shown. Novel interconnects including a laser-enhanced direct-printed CPW line operating up to 110 GHz is demonstrated, while a coaxial-to-two parallel wireline is tested up to 40 GHz. The session concludes with a novel helical-based microstrip transmission line enabling phase implementation in fixed length structures.

Technical Papers

  1. Shaping and Slotting High-Q Spherical Resonators for Suppression of Higher Order Modes (10:10 - 10:30)
  2. A Full X-Band Fully 3-D Printed E-Plane Rectangular-Coax-to-Waveguide Transition (10:30 - 10:50)
  3. W-Band Finite Ground Coplanar Waveguide (FG-CPW) Using Laser Enhanced Direct-Print Additive Manufacturing (LE-DPAM) (10:50 - 11:10)
  4. Ultra-Wideband Transition from Coaxial Line to Two Parallel Lines Manufactured Using Additive Manufacturing Technology (11:10 - 11:30)
  5. Study of 3D-Printed Helical-Microstrip Transmission Lines (11:30 - 11:50)

Chair: Matt Tyhach, Raytheon

Co-chair: Dominique Baillargeat, XLIM (UMR 7252)

Location: 153AB

Abstract: This session features papers that focus on novel RF components and modules that have been realized using additive manufacturing techniques. One paper focuses on an origami frequency selective surface structure that is integrated with thermal actuation mechanisms. A second origami design is based on a 3D-printed foldable substrate. The third paper is a microfluidics-based 3D-printed Butler matrix in coaxial technology. The session concludes with a demonstration of an embedded-on-package 5G energy harvester system.

Technical Papers

  1. Fully Inkjet-Printed Multi-Layer Tunable Origami FSS Structures with Integrated Thermal Actuation Mechanism (13:30 - 13:50)
  2. Novel 3D-Printed Reconfigurable Origami Frequency Selective Surfaces with Flexible Inkjet-Printed Conductor Traces (13:50 - 14:10)
  3. Microfluidics-Based 3D-Printed 4×4 Butler Matrix in Coaxial Technology for Applications up to K Band (14:10 - 14:30)
  4. Achieving Fully Autonomous System-on-Package Designs: An Embedded-on-Package 5G Energy Harvester within 3D Printed Multilayer Flexible Packaging Structures (14:30 - 14:50)

Chair: Mojgan Daneshmand, Univ. of Alberta 

Co-chair: Kazuya Yamamoto, Mitsubishi Electric 

Location: 254AB

Abstract: This session focuses on the development and advancement of chipless RFID technology. In particular, the design and validation of the tags as well as new techniques for reading are presented.

Technical Papers

  1. All-Dielectric Electromagnetic Encoders Based on Permittivity Contrast for Displacement/Velocity Sensors and Chipless-RFID Tags (15:55 - 16:15)
  2. A Retrodirective Microwave Barcode (16:15 - 16:35)
  3. Electronically Re-Writable Chipless RFID Tag Using Solid State Metal-Insulator-Metal Switches on Paper Substrate (16:35 - 16:55)
  4. A Robust Detection Algorithm Using AC Characteristics of Backscatter Signal for Chipless RFID System (16:55 - 17:15)

Chair: Kenneth Kolodziej, MIT Lincoln Laboratory

Co-chair: Zaher Bardi, Retired

Location: 156AB

Abstract: This session presents the newest developments in wireless communication RF front-end and system architectures that result in high capacity. This includes approaches taking advantage of broad bandwidth, high spectral efficiency modulations, and spatial diversity. In particular, millimeter wave, MIMO, and beamforming communication systems will be discussed.

Technical Papers

  1. Demonstration of a 40Gbps Bi-Directional Air-to-Ground Millimeter Wave Communication Link (15:55 - 16:15)
  2. 16,384-QAM Microwave Link with 53% Linearized-Transmitter Efficiency, 2.5 Watt Peak Power, and On-Air EVM Below 1% (16:15 - 16:35)
  3. Evaluation of Distributed MIMO Communication Using a Low-Complexity Sigma-Delta-over-Fiber Testbed (16:35 - 16:55)
  4. A Low-Cost Electronic Scanning Antenna with Two-Wave Mixing (16:55 - 17:15)

Click here to learn more about these and other technical sessions at IMS 2019.

Click here to see everything RF's coverage of IMS 2019.

Publisher: everything RF