5G Summit at IMS 2019 to Address mm-Wave Evolution and Design Challenges

5G Summit at IMS 2019 to Address mm-Wave Evolution and Design Challenges

The IEEE 5G Summit is a special event organized by IEEE ComSoc and the MTT Society that will be open to all IEEE, IMS and RFIC attendees. It consists of a half day of invited talks from industry speakers, as well as an evening panel session. The IMS 2019 committee has strategically planned the 5G Summit to take place on Tuesday afternoon (June 4th). It begins immediately after the lunchtime RFIC panel session, so that there is no overlap with the RFIC conference, and the IMS 5G sessions that are taking place on Wednesday morning. Any attendee who wants to drink from the 5G fire hose with viewpoints from MTT, RFIC, and ComSoc can register for sessions spanning Sunday through Wednesday.

 Speaker: John Smee – VP Engineering, Qualcomm Inc.  

Abstract: We have now officially entered the 5G Era with many commercial networks and devices being launched globally starting in the beginning of 2019. This first phase of 5G NR, based on 3GPP Release 15, primarily focuses on enhancing user experiences for mobile devices such as smartphones, PCs, and XR. With new 5G NR technology improvements such as massive MIMO and mobile mmWave, we are able to achieve new levels of performance. However, we are just at the beginning of the 5G evolution, and future 5G NR releases will bring even better capabilities and efficiencies for mobile broadband and deliver new designs targeting automotive and industrial applications.

Join this session to see how 5G NR is already enabling new and enhanced mobile experiences today, and learn what the continued 5G NR evolution in Release 16 and beyond will bring for mobile broadband and new applications.

Speaker: Ahmed Khalil, Director of Design Engineering, ADI 

Abstract: It was only a few years ago that the industry was debating the feasibility of using mm-wave spectrum for mobile communications. Much has transpired in short time and the industry has progressed rapidly from initial prototypes to successful field trials and now we are in the midst of the first commercial 5G mm-wave deployments.  Many of the initial deployments will be for fixed or nomadic wireless applications, but we will also see true mobile connectivity at mm-wave frequencies in the not so distant future. The first standards are in place, technology is quickly evolving, and much learning has transpired around the deployment of mm-wave systems. While we have made much progress, there remain many challenges ahead for the radio designer to enable mass commercial adoption of these systems. There is still much room for improvement in DC power consumption which in turn drives improvements in size, weight and cost. In this presentation, we will consider some of these challenges and the evolution of technologies and radio architectures to address these challenges and enable the future bits to beams mm-wave radios.

Speaker: Walter Honcharenko, MACOM

Abstract: With the ever increasing thirst for more cellular data driven by the IOT, Vehicle to vehicle communication, video on demand, machine to machine applications etc, new 5G mMIMO cellular systems are starting to be rolled out across the world to deliver these data needs.  Major design activity is happening at 2.6GHz, 3.6GHz and 4.9Ghz in multiple array sizes from 16, 32, 64 TRx

This talk explores some of the key design challenges surrounding the front end modules (FEM) that are the main engines for the RF pipes. We will look at the key system specifications like linearity, efficiency and outline what MACOM is doing to address these challenges.

Speaker:  Alastair Upton and Nitin Jain, Anokiwave

Abstract: 5G has arrived. One consequence will be the largest volume of millimeter-wave (mmW) ICs ever produced! A radical use case evolution is happening to make ubiquitous 5G possible by harnessing mmW spectrum to increase data speeds by orders of magnitude. We are now beginning the multi-year rollout of 5G NR that should take us to through the next decade. Anokiwave continues to deliver the technology needed for mmW 5G telecommunication networks with the second generation of 5G ICs supporting 3GPP compliance for 5G-NR now available, and our platform of 3rd generation solutions in advanced development. For this market to realize its huge potential, and to develop as promised, OEMs, and RF component suppliers like Anokiwave need to not only address the technical challenges but also consider the economic factors that will ensure the success of 5G.

One example of where these technical and economic factors overlap is at the active antenna air interface, where the link budget determining the user experience and Quality-of-Service is largely determined. Here, the most important factors determining the performance of active antennas – and consequently the radio link – are the observable sensitivity and radiated power. While transmitting enough signal power is critical, it is also essential that it must be developed efficiently. Excessive power dissipation not only results in economic consequences from the obvious increase in operating costs, but also to larger size and weight, reduced reliability, and more restrictions in unit deployment, all resulting in increases in the total cost of ownership. This presentation will discuss these as well as other technical and economic factors related to commercializing 5G mmWave arrays, and what the industry is doing to solve them.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   mm-Wave5GIMS 2019