Anokiwave Introduces 24/26 GHz Beamforming ICs for 5G

Anokiwave Introduces 24/26 GHz Beamforming ICs for 5G

To support the commercial launch of 5G services, Anokiwave is showcasing its portfolio of 24/26 GHz ICs for 5G applications at IMS 2019 in Boston, MA, USA from 4-6 June.

Anokiwave introduced its initial family of 24/26 GHz Beamformer ICs in 2017, followed by the AWA-0142, a 256-Element reconfigurable active antenna for rapid prototyping and testing of electronically beam-steered radio links in the 24/26 GHz band and its 3GPP compliant ICs in 2018. This year, Anokiwave builds on these generations with a full RF signal chain that improves performance, reduces cost, and provides a host of digital functionality that simplifies the active antenna array design. The AWMF-0165 Tx/Rx beamformer IC supports dual polarization architectures while adding new and enhanced features to make 3GPP compliant cutting-edge performance even easier while the AWMF-0170 up/down converter IC provides frequency conversion functionality and an x4 LO multiplier all integrated into a single IC. 

The 3GPP n258 band (24.25 – 27.5 GHz), called the 24 GHz band in the U.S. and the 26 GHz band in Europe, China, and Australia, is likely to be the first of the mmWave bands to be allocated internationally on a widespread basis for wireless broadband services. While it is only one of several bands being considered in current international studies, it has been the subject of heaviest focus for studies and has also garnered the most interest among countries for initial mmWave wireless broadband deployments. 

Anokiwave is participating in the 5G summit and the exhibition at IMS 2019. To learn more about the industry’s their portfolio of Silicon ICs for mmWave 5G systems, click here.

Click here to see everything RF's coverage of IMS 2019.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   5G


  • Country: United States
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