Learn How to Design IoT Devices with Embedded Antennas at EuMW 2019

Learn How to Design IoT Devices with Embedded Antennas at EuMW 2019

Fractus Antennas and NI AWR will be organizing 2 workshops to demonstrate how designing a multiband antenna system for IoT is now as simple as designing the matching network. The workshops will be held during the European Microwave Week 2019 (EuMW) event in Paris on October 2.

By using Virtual Antenna chip antenna boosters they will demonstrate how fast, cheap and easy it is to create a wireless system from scratch. 

They will be conducting 2 different workshop:

Half-Day Workshop on October 2 (8:30 AM – 12:30 PM): Antenna Booster Technology for IoT Applications - By joining this workshop the attendee will have a hands-on experience and they will be able to design two examples from scratch using the Virtual Antenna technology on-site and a unique and personal Microwave Office license.

Microapps Workshop on October 2 (3 – 4 PM): Design of Antenna Matching-Circuit for IoT Devices. Fast Introduction to Virtual Antenna and how to embed an internal antenna into IoT devices.

Both Workshops will be led by Dr. Jaume Anguera, the Chief Scientist and Co-Founder of Fractus Antennas and they will show participants to use the new National Instruments AWR Network Synthesis Wizard tool.

Click here for registration details.

Publisher: everything RF
Tags:-   AntennaIoTEuMW 2019